Pengfei can fly just like roc spreading its wings and strike in ten thousand sky and has dynamic and wins good graces from customers.Thekey is based on High Quality,Good Benefit.This is struggling target and service tenet of our factory for more twenty years.
¡¡¡¡Yesterday,thank you for your care and cherishing and the friendship bridge between us has been set up.Today we sincerely hope get your more support and help.Pengfei will emit effulgent rays of light and carry forward the spirit of new epoch continrorsly.
¡¡¡¡The factory is specialized in the production of all kinds of street lamp,pole lamp,porcelain lamp holder and flood light,etc.Meanwhile the facory can also supply complete electric equipment and be in charge of construction and installation.The factory holds several punches,oil presses,1100 tons of die casting machine,250 tons of die casting machine,bender of steel......